
Monday, November 8, 2010

Jeweltastatic: Reinventing Myself

I have been online and blogging for a few years now.   As much as I love my blogs I think I am now going to have to reinvent myself.  I will probably pull those blogs from any social networking sites I'm connected with or just plain and simply ignore them.

I want to make sure that my jewelry and my children are my focus and if I am expressing my personal views on certain subjects, I know it will hinder what I'm trying to accomplish.  There are people that don't agree with my points of view.  That's the same in anything you do. 

It's taught me a few lessons in marketing.    I know how to use Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Blogcatalog, and several other sites.  I know to act like a real person and not just someone trying to earn a living.

I can advocate for the things I believe in and create jewelry.  I can donate to Habitat for Humanity or help build a domestic violence shelter.  I can take a portion of my profit and donate for those things I believe in.  I can do a large portion of what I was doing before, with a twist.

This is the first time I will not provide links to my other blogs.  I'm trying to separate from personal.  This isn't personal, it's business.  I will not be doing paid for posts or you can win this posts.  I am done with that.  This is a new chapter in the book.  I want to achieve certain goals and if I am blogging at a million blogs it just isn't going to happen. 

I will probably implement a blog schedule.   My other blogs are a post when you want to post.  I think I need to treat this one as part of my job.  This is not just part of my livelihood and survival but my mother's too.  I am not going to allow myself to fail.

My marketing ability has started to hit.  I have people interested in what I offer.  I've been giving out freebies.  I want people walking around and advertising for me.  Since I can't pay for ads, word of mouth is good enough for now.

I admit to a little sadness in the reinventing of myself.  I have a lot of blogging friends because of the previous blogs.  I can only hope they will follow me through another of my life changes.  They have been with me through sleepless baby nights, an apartment with poor living conditions, and a brand new home.

Another roller coaster is going on and I hope they aren't getting too frustrated with it.  It is life though and it is filled with changes.  I don't regret the other blogs they are different aspects of who I am.

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