
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Jeweltastic: Capitol Flea Market

For those of you that are in the Charleston, WV area we will be at the Capitol Flea Market on March 26th and 27th,  April 2nd, 3rd, 16th and 17th.  If you're around look for the ladies in black t-shirts with lotus flowers.  We'll be there rain or shine, warm or cold.

In the near future we plan on offering jewelry making parties so keep your eyes pealed. 

Monday, March 7, 2011

Jeweltastic: Great Jewelry Blog

My mom's homemade birthday cake.
I have been having a tough time finding blogs on how to do what I'm doing.  When I Google Jewelry Blogs or search it, I typically get whatever Kim Kardashian is wearing.  This is wonderful for tweaking on design ideas but not what I'm looking for.

I finally found a blog that not only fits my niche, it also gives wonderful ideas and advice which I will be incorporating some of the ideas.  It's called Home Jewelry Business Success Tips by Rena  Klingenberg.   Rena discusses various aspects of her business and welcomes the ideas of others.  For me, she is a confidence booster.  I didn't know how I was going to do what needs to be done until I came across her blog.

Some of her tips would work for other home crafters as well, not just those of us who make jewelry.  You know how you host at home parties for various companies?  You can do the same for your home business.   This is something I truly never thought about.  I never became a representative for make-up, bowls, or pots and pans.

Had I known, I would have done this sooner with the cake decorating I like to do for my kids.  I will say I'm happier with jewelry.  Jump rings don't melt off of earrings in humid weather and if things go wrong it doesn't cost as much to fix.  I think I found my thing.

I'm also looking into gemology.  At some point in time I would like to offer services that can only be given by someone who knows all about them.  This is truly a life process and a lifestyle.  It's also proving that I need a sketch book to get my ideas out of my head so I don't loose them.  It's incorporating another thing I love to do,  Which is creating fashions, I can't sew that was never anything I could do realistically, but I have quite a few drawings of clothes I'd like to wear.  I can do the same with jewelry.

I'm looking forward to eventually being able to teach a class.  I  need a few supplies that I need to purchase.  I don't want to begin a class and not have things to support that class.  Soon, very soon, I'm hoping to put this in an unstoppable motion.

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